Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Retensioning Spring Mechanism

In some instances, the spring which retracts the blind is inadvertently released causing loss of tension when the blind is pulled. As a result, the spring must be retensioned.


Note: Some following steps are more easily accomplished with two people.

Remove blind assembly from car and place on a flat, clean surface.

Note which end is mounted at left-hand (driver) side of the car.

Using the handle, pull blind out fully as shown.

Roll two turns of the vinyl material onto the roller. Hold left-hand end cover and turn roller so that left-hand end rotates clockwise.

Place two wooden blocks under the roller so that end covers can be turned freely.

Release material from slots in end covers.

If necessary, use tape as shown to keep material clear of the covers. Covers can now be turned freely.

Release residual spring force, if necessary, as follows:
Hold roller and turn one end cover 1/4 turn in one direction until a click is heard. Initially a small amount of "backlash" will be felt and the blind will tend to spring back in one direction or the other.

Turn the cover in the same direction as that favored by the spring until spring force is no longer felt. If the cover is turned beyond the "neutral" position, spring force will tend to return it in the opposite direction. In this event, turn in the other direction until spring force is again zero (absent).

Tension the spring in the roller by turning the left-hand end cover clockwise 23 turns. The cover is prevented from springing back more than half a turn by a latch. In practice however, it will be necessary to assist the winding action by holding the cover with one hand while performing the last few turns.

Remove the tape and fit material in the slots in the end covers.

Roll up the blind as follows:

Hold both end covers and press inward. This will release the spring mechanism and roll up the blind. To wind the material completely onto the roller it may sometimes be necessary to turn the roller while holding one of the end covers.

Reinstall the blind in the car.
This repair is considered owner responsibility. Maintenance operation number is provided for information only.

Oper. No. Labor Description Time Allowance

882 816 Cargo cover blind, retension spring 0.1 hr.