Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


- uneven wear between pads in same caliper

- binding front brakes (i.e. if raised, front wheels rotate stiffly)

Note: New front brake discs should be installed if the discs exceed specification for thickness and/or runout.

To modify front brakes

Lift vehicle and remove front wheels

Mark position of wheel in relation to hub, if there is no guide pin.

Remove brake pads

Remove guide pin from lower sleeve and swing caliper up.


- washer
- rubber dust seals
- guide pin
- sleeve from caliper


Clean caliper sleeve bore with solvent.

Check that caliper pistons move easily.

A new caliper should be fitted if:
- the caliper sleeve bore is severely corroded and it is not possible to remove the rust by polishing.
- the caliper pistons are seized.

Minor rust may be removed with a cylindrical wire brush.