Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

No Forward Propulsion

1. Fluid level

2. Throttle cable adjustment

3. Gear selector mechanism. Check adjustment and operation.

4. Transmission "pulls" in 1st gear:

- Transmission "pulls" see item 6.

5. Line pressure and stall speed.

- Correct see item 6.
- Incorrect see item 7.

6. Freewheel. Disconnect propeller shaft and turn drive flange. Movement should be more sluggish in clockwise direction (as viewed from rear).

- Same in both directions* see item 8.
- Correct** see item 8.

7. Inspect sump for particles.

- Particles** see item 8
- No particles: Replace (or clean and inspect) control system. Clean (or replace) oil filter. Check gear selector mechanism. Check accumulator piston C1.
- No change** see item 8

8. Replace (or overhaul) transmission.

* Freewheel F2 probably faulty.
** Clutch C1 probably faulty.