Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Td 613/CR 718 (1991 240/740)

If it is determined that an audio component is defective and replacement is necessary, then specific details must be included with the component that is returned for testing. In an effort to identify the nature of any audio related problem, the following must be adhered to:

- The "Audio Diagnostic Checklist" must be utilized when troubleshooting audio complaints and a completed check list must be included with any audio component that is returned for testing. The Audio Diagnostic Checklist is found with Service Manager Bulletin Gr. 39, No. 3, dated July, 1990. For your convenience, a copy is also attached to this bulletin.

- If a unit is found to be locked-up, i.e. will not accept code or is locked in a particular function, try disconnecting the main power lead and then reconnecting to check operation. If this procedure is performed, it will be necessary to include that information on the audio check list.

Note: Whenever a radio is disconnected or reconnected, the ignition must be off.

- Any other specific information related to a customer complaint and failure mode must be indicated on the check list. This includes the security code that was used.

A thorough fault tracing and a properly completed "Audio Diagnostic Checklist" will assure a more accurate diagnosis of audio problems and provide better feedback for product improvements.