Center Mounted Brake Lamp
Wiring Diagrams:
Component / Connector Locations:
1/1 Battery
3/1 Ignition switch
3/9 Brake light switch
5/3 3-pole connection to combined instrument panel
5/18 18-pole connection to combined instrument panel
7/1 Bulb failure warning sensor, rear
7/2 Bulb failure warning sensor, front
10/17 Right tail light
10/18 Left tail light
10/19 High-level brake light
10/43 Right brake light
10/50 Left brake light
10/88 Bulb failure warning indicator lamp
11/1-35 Fuses
15/1 Positive terminal
15/4 15I strip in main relay console
31/11 Ground connection, left tail light
31/12 Ground connection, right tail light