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Fuel Filter: Testing and Inspection

Fuel Filter:

NOTE: The fuel filter is not a serviceable item and must be replaced, as a unit, at the service intervals recommended by Volvo (see MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES).

1. CAUTION: Fuel line is under pressure, be careful when disconnecting any fuel lines. Fuel will leak or spray out of line until no more pressure exists.
Disconnect the fuel filter from the vehicle.
2. Seal fuel lines with suitable plug or tool.
3. Check filter for damage and leakage. Replace if a fault is found.
4. Observe the fuel draining from the filter as you turn the outlet side upwards. If fuel appears to be contaminated (discolored, rust particles, dirt...) , replace the filter.
5. With a hose, for protection, blow through the filter. Only minimal resistance should exist. If resistance is high, replace the filter.
6. Disconnect fuel line plugs or sealing tool.
7. Reinstall filter with new gaskets or filter connections may leak. Check that the arrow on the filter points in the same direction as the fuel flows.
8. Clean all spilled fuel from the vehicle underbody.
9. Run vehicle and recheck for leaks at fuel filter and its connections.