AC A. Replacing steering column and ignition switch (700/940), without SRSSpecial tools: 999 1801, 999 2724
Drive the car onto a flat area so that the car stands straight.
Disconnect battery negative lead.
Remove soundproofing panel on left-hand side
Remove the steering wheel
Pull off steering wheel center pad.
Remove steering wheel screw.
Remove the steering wheel.
Remove upper and lower steering wheel covers
Expose steering shaft in passenger compartment
- Turn signal lamps and intermittent wiper stalks
- Connectors for turn signal lamps and intermittent wiper.
- Horn cable.
- Slip ring.
Expose steering column in engine compartment
- Locking pin and screw on the upper steering shaft joint.
- Locking pin on upper screw for lower joint.
- Slacken oft the screw.
- Release the lower steering shaft from the steering column by sliding the steering shaft towards the steering gear.
Remove the lower bearing from the firewall
Early version:
- Remove the screws for the lower bearing.
Later versions:
- Remove the nuts for the lower bearing. The nuts are accessible from the engine compartment.
- The later version was introduced into production during week 9405.
When replacing ignition switch; slacken off the bearing housing locking screws.
This point applies only if the ignition switch is to be changed as well.
Use a center punch and tap them loose or center punch bolts and drill a hole of suitable diameter and depth for screw extractor tool. Do not yet unscrew the screws fully.
Slacken the locating pin screw.
Remove the circlip and spacer from the steering shaft
Use circlip ring pliers
Counterhold with one hand under the dashboard when the circlip is released.
Turn the ignition switch to position "1"
AC A11
Push steering column down through bearing housing
If only the spacer rings are to be changed:
- Remove the lower spacer, washer/washers and spring.
- Install new spacers according to section: Installation AC A3O.
AC A12
Lift out the steering column under the dashboard
AC A13
Corrective actions when replacing steering column
- Steering column
- Lower bearing from steering column
- lower spacer ring, washer/washer and spring.
AC A14
Removal as applied to cars with electronic immobilizer
The following action applies only to cars with electronic immobilizer.
- Remove the panel around the ignition switch.
- Remove the antenna ring from the ignition switch. The connector for the antenna ring does not need to be removed.
AC A15
To replace the ignition switch remove the following
- Ignition key
- Ignition switch locking screws in the member
- The screw in the locating pin.
Lift up the bearing housing. Press the ignition switch with a finger. Remove the bearing housing and ignition switch under the dashboard.
If the car is equipped with an ignition switch interlock the cable to the ignition switch interlock must be released before the bearing housing and ignition switch can be removed, see the next operation.
Remove the connector from the ignition switch.
AC A16
Removal as applied to cars with ignition switch interlock
The following actions apply only to cars equipped with ignition switch interlock.
- Move bearing housing and ignition switch under the dashboard so that the locking tab to the ignition switch interlock is accessible.
- Put gear selector in position P.
- Turn the ignition switch to position I or El.
- Release the cable from the ignition switch by pressing down the upper lock lug with a drift (Dia. 3 mm) and pullout the cable from the ignition switch.
- Remove the bearing housing and ignition switch under the dashboard.
AC A17
Remove the ignition switch from the bearing housing
Loosen security bolt.
Use a center punch and tap it loose or center punch bolt and drill a hole of suitable diameter and depth for screw extractor tool.
AC A18
Check the bearings in the bearing housing
Replace bearings if necessary. To replace see AC A21.
AC A19
Check lower steering shaft bearing tracks
Check the position of the lower steering shaft bearing track. The track should lie 50.5 mm (1.99 in.) from the edge.
Check that the bearing surface is not scratched.
Take care not to damage the bearing track edges.
AC A20
Check the steering shaft length
The actions apply to cars in which the steering shaft/steering column is equipped with a collapsible coupling.
Check that the collapsible coupling has not collapsed. The correct length of the shaft should be 727.2 mm ± 1 mm (28.63 in. ± 0.039 in.).
In the illustration the upper bearing is mounted.
AC A21
Tap out the bearing in the upper bearing housing
It the bearings are removed they cannot be reinstalled. They must be replaced.
Knock out the inner bearing track first and then the outer one. Use a drift.
AC A22
Install new bearings
- Drift 9992724
- Bar 999 1801
- Installation paste
Replacing ignition switch
For cars from the 1988 model year and later a protective panel has been introduced. The protective panel is positioned behind the dashboard and has been introduced to increase anti-theft protection. If the car is equipped with protective panel the ignition switch replacement is carried out according to the description under the method for replacing steering column and ignition switch. See:
- AC A. Replacing steering column and ignition switch, without SRS system .
- AC B. Replacing steering column and ignition switch, with SRS system.
Removing ignition switch
- Remove soundproofing panel under the dashboard.
- Detach connector from ignition switch.
- Remove upper steering column cover and the panel by the ignition switch.
- Slacken off screw holding ignition switch.
- Insert the key into the ignition switch and turn to the starting position
- Press the catch in through the hole in the holder with an appropriate implement and remove the lock.
Installing ignition switch
Install as follows:
- insert key into lock, turn, push the catch in and remove the key.
- place lock into opening, release the catch by inserting the key again.
- tighten the locking screw and test the function.
- Later version 940: Tap in a new blind cover plug over catch.
- Reinstall steering wheel cover and panel by ignition switch.
- Connect connector to ignition switch.
- Reinstall soundproofing panel under dashboard.