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LD. Engine Runs Rough Under Load

LD. Engine Runs Rough Under Load


Checking The Fuel Pressure And Residual Pressure
- Check the fuel pressure and residual pressure in accordance with X. Fuel pressure and residual pressure. X. Fuel Pressure and Residual Pressure
- Check the hoses for air leaks in accordance with Z. Checking the air and vacuum hoses. Z. Checking the Air and Vacuum Hoses

If the fuel pressure, residual pressure and hoses are OK
^ Connect the test box LD2.


Connecting The Test Box
- Connect the test box in accordance with P1-P4. P. Test Box, Signal Description
- Check all signals to MFI in accordance with PB. Signal description MFI PB. Signal Description MFI LH 2.4
and all signals to DI in accordance with PC. Signal description DI. PC. Signal Description DI EZ 116 K