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RD. Adjustment of Throttle Control

RD. Adjustment of throttle control


Adjustment of link rod
- Insert a 2.5 mm feeler gauge at the control puller stop.
- Rotate the middle section of the link rod until the lever comes away from the adjustment screw and the idling switch clicks.
- Rotate the link rod back until the idling switch clicks once more.
- Tighten the lock nuts in this position, first manually using a spanner (0.45-0.75 Nm). Grip tight so that the link rod does not rotate.
^ Continue with Follow-up check RD2.


Follow-up check
- Check with a feeler gauge the gap between the lever and the adjustment screw.
A 0.1 mm feeler gauge should fit between the lever and link rod.
A 0.5 mm feeler gauge should not fit between the lever and link rod.

If the gap is OK:
^ Return to troubleshooting where you left off.

If the gap is Incorrect:
^ Repeat adjustment according to Adjustment of link rod RD1.