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Identification of Bendix/Bosch Systems

Vehicle Equipped With Bendix Electronics:

The Bendix computerized engine control system can be identified as follows:

a. The use of an intake air temperature sensor (in place of an air mass meter as on the Bosch equipped engines).
b. The diagnostic socket and an intake manifold pressure sensor are mounted on the driver side strut-tower reinforcement (Bosch equipped engines mount only a diagnostic socket on the strut-tower reinforcement).

Vehicle Equipped With Bosch Electronics:

The Bosch computerized engine control system can be identified as follows:

a. The use of an air mass meter (in place of an intake air temperature sensor as on the Bendix equipped engines).
b. Only a diagnostic socket is mounted on the driver side strut-tower reinforcement (Bendix equipped engines mount the diagnostic socket and an intake manifold pressure sensor on the strut-tower reinforcement).