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The ABS system comprises the following main components: Hydraulic modulator (5A/5B, location depends on engine type), sensors (1/2), pulse wheel (1A/2A), control module, leads and a warning light on the dashboard (6) which comes on if the ABS system is not working.

The brake system is divided between the axles: the rear piston in the master cylinder serves the front axle and the front piston serves the rear axle. When braking, the ABS system helps the car retain directional stability and steerability using a combination of precision hydraulics and digital technology. The system is designed to detect the grip each front wheel has on the road and average grip for the rear wheels. Using the built-in control system, the system then adjusts the pressure in the brake caliper during braking. If a wheel is threatening to lock, it adjusts the pressure in the appropriate caliper temporarily (both calipers for rear wheels). A microprocessor in the control module monitors the ABS system continuously. If a fault occurs, the control module stores the DTCs in its memory and switches the ABS warning light on the dashboard on. When switching the ignition on, this light comes on along with the other lights on the dashboard to show it is working. When the engine is started, the warning light goes out to show the system is working properly.