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Brake Warning Light Does Not GO Out Once Engine Starts

1. Sources of fault: Brake fluid level is too low. Level monitor faulty. Lead between level monitor and dashboard is short-circuited to ground. If a number of warning lights come on at once with the engine on, this means that the lead from the generator (D+) is short-circuited to 0 volts.

2. Checking brake fluid level.
3. If level is correct: Ignition off. Undo connector from brake fluid level monitor. Connect an ohmmeter across brake fluid level monitor pins 1 and 2. Ohmmeter should read infinite resistance. Go to checking lead.
4. If ohmmeter reads 0 ohms: Replace brake fluid level monitor.

Check lead for short-circuit to ground (0 volts). Turn Ignition off. Connect an ohmmeter between ground and connector on lead to level monitor pin 2 (gray/white lead). Check lead for short-circuit to ground. Deal with fault.