Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Technician Safety Information

Sodium Filled Exhaust Valve:

CAUTION: The exhaust valves on Turbo engines are sodium filled. Discarded valves must not be mixed with ordinary scrap iron until after sodium content has been removed.

Exhaust Valve Scrapping Procedure:

Exhaust Valve Scrapping Procedure:


CAUTION: Sodium in contact with water is explosive. Consequently when drilling, cutting or performing any form of work which involves separating sodium, ensure the sodium does not come in contact with water.

1. Drill a hole 4.0 mm (0.16 in) in the valve crown as illustrated.

2. Drill a hole 4.0 mm (0.16 in) in the valve stem, or cut the stem approximately 25 mm from the end.

3. Throw the valve into a bucket of water. A powerful reaction of an explosive nature will occur and you are advised to stand at least 3 meters (10 ft) from the bucket. The reaction lasts 1-2 minutes and afterwards the valve can be mixed with ordinary scrap metal.