Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Inoperable or Delayed Gear Shifting (Starting In 2ND or 3RD)

Check / Inspect:

1. Fluid level.

2. Throttle cable adjustment.

3. Gear selector mechanism. Check adjustment and operation.

4. Line pressure and stall speed.

- Incorrect (high pressure) see item 6

5. Check that governor pressure varies with speed.

- Correct see item 6
- Incorrect pressure or correct pressure but delayed shifting see item 7

6. Inspect sump for particles.

- Particles* see item 8
- No particles: Replace control system. Alternatively, inspect primary regulator valve, throttle valve, shift valves 1-2 and 2-3, and cutback valve.
- No change** see item 8

7. Inspect governor.

- No change see item 6

8. Replace (or overhaul) transmission.

* Component failure. Alternatively, faulty seal between output shaft and gearbox housing, or control system fault.
** Hydraulic fault in a clutch or brake.