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DTC 3-2-5


Preconditions for DTC
^ If voltage to the ECM disappears for a period (how long the ECM can remain without voltage depends on its temperature) the ECM will set DTC 3-2-5 when voltage returns.
^ On a new ECM, DTC 3-2-5 is always stored by default.

Substitute value
^ None.

Fault sources
^ Discharged or disconnected battery.
^ Break in the lead between ECM A26 and the battery positive terminal.
^ Poor contact in the ECM's connector and/or at the battery's positive terminal.
^ One of the battery cables has been undone during repair/fault tracing of some other system.
^ The ECM was removed.

Fault symptoms
^ None.


^ Check the lead between ECM A26 and the battery positive terminal for signs of an intermittent disruption.
^ Check the ECM's connector and battery positive terminal for signs of a loose connection and contact resistance and oxidation.