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Cylinder Head and/or Gasket Replacement

Special Tools:
- Angle Gauge tool No. 951 2050, or equivalent
- Counterhold tool No. 999 5199, or equivalent
- Drift tool No. 999 5449, or equivalent
- Drift tool No. 999 5450, or equivalent
- Locking tool No. 999 5451, or equivalent
- Locking tool No. 999 5452, or equivalent
- Holder tool No. 999 5453, or equivalent
- Press tool No. 999 5454, or equivalent
- Holder tool No. 999 5533, or equivalent

NOTE: For additional information on special tools and equipment used in this procedure, refer to "Tools For Engine Service and Repair". Tools and Equipment


1. Drain coolant and undo front exhaust pipe:
- Remove battery negative lead.
- Remove expansion tank cap.
- Remove splash-guard under engine.
- Open engine and radiator nipples, use hose to collect coolant.
- Close nipples.
- Remove exhaust manifold/front pipe nuts.

2. Remove exhaust manifold and fuel distribution manifold:
- Remove:
Exhaust Manifold, as outlined in steps 1 and 2 of Exhaust System/Replacement. Service and Repair
Timing Belt, as outlined in steps 1 through 6 of Replacement. Service and Repair
- Lift fuel distribution manifold and injectors and put to one side.
Use holder tool No. 999 5533, or equivalent, for the injectors.
- Remove the two ground strips from engine.

NOTE: Ensure that injectors and needles are not damaged.

3. Remove:
- Engine coolant fan and intake manifold
- Upper radiator hose from thermostat housing
- Holder tool No. 999 5453 or tool No. 999 5408 3, or equivalent to secure the front of the camshafts
- Press tool 999 5454-7, or equivalent with a clearance of a few millimeters (inches) between them and the camshaft housing cover

4. Remove rear components:
- air cleaner (ACL) with hoses
- camshaft position (CMP) sensor and damper
- distributor cap, HT leads and rotor
- extension arm with brackets

5. Remove upper half of cylinder head:
- Remove all bolts from center outward
- Carefully knock the cover up at all the corners using Puller 999 5402-6.
- Open and remove press tool No. 999 5454-7, or equivalent little by little to ensure an even lift.

6. Remove cylinder head:
- Remove coolant pipe screws (2).
- Undo cylinder head screws (working inwards).
- Remove cylinder head.
- Remove cylinder head gasket.

7. Clean:
- mating faces exhaust manifold/cylinder head
- engine block gasket face
- coolant pipe gasket face
- gasket face between upper/lower halves of cylinder heads

- Do not use a metal scraper.
- Use a soft putty knife and gasket solvent part No. 1 161 340-3, or equivalent.
- Surfaces must be completely clean to ensure a seal.

WARNING: If gasket solvent is being used a fume hood or extractor must be used.

8. Align crankshaft timing marks:
- Remove starter motor.
- Remove plug.
- Install locking tool No. 999 5451, or equivalent.
- Turn crankshaft counterclockwise until it stops.

9. Install lower half of cylinder head:
- Replace cylinder head gasket
- Oil screws.
- Tighten screws in three stages as follows, working outwards:
1st stage 20 Nm (15 ft lb)
2nd stage 60 Nm (44 ft lb)
3rd stage 130°, use angle gauge tool No. 951 2050, or equivalent
- Install coolant pipe with new gasket.
- Replace O-rings in spark plug wells.
- Remove No.1 and No. 5 spark plugs.

10. Apply liquid gasket:
- Apply liquid gasket part No. 1 161 059-9, or equivalent, on the upper half of the cylinder head, use roller.

- Take care not to get gasket compound in oil ways.
- A thin coating is sufficient for a seal.

- Install camshafts.
Lock front of camshaft with holder tool No. 999 5453 and rear with locking tool No. 999 5452, or equivalent (without extension pieces).

11. Install upper half of cylinder head:
- Locate component.
- Pull down towards cylinder head with press tools 999 5454, or equivalent (2).
- Tighten upper half working outwards, tighten to 17 Nm (13 ft lb).
- Remove holder tool No. 999 5453 and press tool No. 999 5454, or equivalent

12. Install front camshaft seals:
- Use drift tool No. 999 5449, or equivalent.
- Grease seal.
- Tap seal into place.
- The most recent model of drift tool No. 999 5449, or equivalent is made of plastic.

13. Install camshaft pulley
- Locate upper timing cover
- Install camshaft pulley, align timing marks.
- Tighten the two screws until they are just touching the camshaft pulley.
- Remove upper timing cover.

NOTE: Check that the camshaft screw holes are centered, as illustrated.

14. Install timing belt:
- Install tensioner, tighten to 25 Nm (18 ft lb).
- Place belt over camshaft pulleys, around water pump and press belt over the tensioner pulley.
- Slacken the two camshaft pulley screws.
- Remove locking pin from tensioner.
- Push the belt hard or strike it twice with a plastic mallet in the directions indicated by arrows 1 and 2.

15. Tighten camshaft pulleys:
- Install third screw and tighten to 20 Nm (15 ft lb).
- Install inner timing cover screw.
- Install upper timing cover.

16. Remove locking tools:
- Remove crankshaft locking tool No. 999 5451, or equivalent and install plug
- Install starter motor.
- Remove camshaft locking tool No. 999 5452, or equivalent.

17. Check timing marks:
- Turn engine crankshaft two revolutions.
- Check that timing marks on crankshaft and camshaft pulleys are aligned.
- Install outer timing cover.

18. Install rear camshaft seal:
- Use drift tool No. 999 5450, or equivalent.
- Grease seal.
- Press seal into place.

- Seal is normally installed flush with the inner chamfer edge.
- If there are grooves on the shaft end the seal can be pressed in a further 2 mm by reversing the sleeve.

19. Install:
- extension arm, with brackets
- rotor
- camshaft position (CMP) sensor and damper.
- spark plugs
- distributor cap and HT leads
- ACL with all hoses and connectors

20. Install:
Exhaust Manifold, as outlined in step 3 of Exhaust System Inspection/Replacement. Service and Repair
- Intake Manifold and engine coolant fan as outlined in steps 5 through 7 of Replacement. Service and Repair
- fuel distribution manifold
- ground strip to engine
- exhaust pipe
- splashguard under engine

21. Fill with coolant/Change oil and oil filter:
- Install battery negative lead
- Fill with oil.
- Fill cooling system.
- Run the engine until the thermostat opens and top up if necessary.
- Check for leaks.