1. Loosen locknut on each tie rod.2. Turn each tie rod to obtain proper toe-in. Length of tie rods may not differ more than .080 inch (2 mm), measured between edge of thread and locknut.
3. If after toe-in adjustment, steering wheel is not properly centered, proceed as follows:
a. Place car on a level surface, ensuring that front wheels are straight, then disconnect battery ground cable and turn ignition switch to Off position.
b. Remove torx bolts at rear of steering wheel, disconnect airbag electrical connector, then remove airbag assembly.
c. Connect special tool 998 8695 in place of airbag assembly so that vehicle may be driven without generating a fault code.
d. Loosen, but do not remove nut in center of steering wheel, then check that steering wheel is straight.
e. Connect battery ground cable, then drive vehicle straight ahead on a smooth surface to ensure that front wheels are pointing perfectly straight ahead.
f. Disconnect battery ground cable, remove special tool 998 8695 and nut in center of wheel.
g. Remove locking screw at end of plastic ribbon from its parking hole in steering wheel (leave screw in ribbon), then insert and tighten screw in contact reel.
h. Lift off wheel and allow plastic ribbon and lead to pass through opening in wheel.
i. Set contact reel to zero by turning contact reel fully to right, then turning back three turns to left. Ensure screw hole is at one o'clock, then lock contact reel in this position with screw in plastic ribbon. Do not turn steering wheel, or contact reel pin will be sheared off, and whole contact reel will have to be replaced.
j. Pass contact reel lead through hole in steering wheel, install steering wheel nut finger tight, remove screw in end of plastic ribbon and install in parking hole in steering wheel, reconnect special tool 998 8695, then connect battery ground cable and drive vehicle on level ground and ensure that steering wheel is straight.
k. Tighten wheel center nut 30 ft. lbs., ensure that airbag warning lamp has gone out (no fault codes present), then disconnect battery ground cable and remove special tool 998 8695.
l. Rest bottom of airbag assembly on steering wheel, connect electrical connector, place airbag assembly in position and torque right torx bolt to 7.5 ft. lbs., then the left torx bolt. Ensure that cable does not get pinched on reassembly.
m. Check that steering wheel turns easily and steering lock operates. Ensure that airbag assembly is mounted securely.
n. Turn ignition switch to On position, connect battery ground cable and check airbag lamp. If a fault code is displayed, refer to "Air Bags and Seat Belts" section for procedures to cancel fault code.