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Remote Control, Audio - Stereo

Guard Alarm II Remote Control:

The remote is equipped with two buttons:
Button 1 (large). Activation/Deactivation
Button 2 (small). Panic alarm

Range of remote control

The alarm can be operated by the remote from all angles up to approx. 20-30 yards from the car. The range may nevertheless vary since radio signals are affected by the environment.

Differing remote frequencies

Remote frequencies differ according to the market. A figure and letter combination in a circle is found on the underside of the handset indicating the frequency. The figure must match that given on the control module. The letter within the circle is merely a marketing code.

Remote control transmission code

When remote button 1 or 2 is pressed, a special code is generated which is sent at radio frequency. The code signal consists of a rolling code series which is changed after each use (Anti-grab).
The device is delivered with two handsets. The codes of both handsets are pre-programmed in the control module's memory.

Changing the batteries

The remote is powered by 2 batteries type CR 1220 (3 V). in normal use, battery life will be approximately one year.
Batteries should be changed once a year.

NOTE: Batteries contain elements harmful to the environment. They should not be discarded with normal garbage.

Radio sensor

The radio signal sensor is built into the control module and uses the lead connected to DI as an antenna.