Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Preliminary Information

Radio/cassette players are often returned for repair when they are not actually defective. The assumed problem can be due to external factors, for example, installation, the antenna, the speakers, etc.

Check for external problems before you replace the actual unit.

Only when all possible external problems have been eliminated can the unit be diagnosed as defective.

Stop and check these points:
- Ask the customer to describe the problem in detail:
When and where does the problem occur, in the radio or the cassette player? Has the car undergone major repairs recently (e.g. body work, welding, dismantling)? Can the customer operate all the functions of the radio - demonstrate.
Have accessories been fitted recently?
- Always test the radio with the vehicle outdoors.
- Do not change any components until you have performed all checks.

Use only genuine Volvo parts.
Repair procedures are based on the use of Volvo parts. All Volvo parts are matched to each other and are adapted in such a way that they can not be connected incorrectly if the instructions are properly followed.