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Auxiliary Tank Sensor Fault Tracing

Fuel lever sensor auxiliary tank, fault tracing T17

- Remove battery negative lead.
- Unplug connector and measure with an ohmmeter between the white-gray leads.
Resistance should be between 1 ohm, with auxiliary tank empty, and 18 ohm, with auxiliary tank full.
If resistance reads infinity, measure directly on the sensor terminals.
With resistance other than between 1 and 18 ohm, the sensor is faulty and needs changing.

Fuel lever sensor auxiliary tank, fault tracing T18

- Remove battery negative lead.
- Unplug connector and measure with an ohmmeter between the white-gray leads.
Resistance should be between 0 ohm, with auxiliary tank empty, and 60 ohm, with auxiliary tank full.
If resistance reads infinity, measure directly on the sensor terminals.
With resistance other than between 0 and 60 ohm, the sensor is faulty and needs changing.