Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Alternator: Tools and Equipment


Volt-Amp tester 999 6450:

Testing charging system, the tester has a built-in buzzer, and can be used to test diodes, connections and for open circuits. The buzzer should sound when testing diode transit direction, and is silent in the blocking direction.

Testing alternators

Bosch diode tester 9986681:

The diode tester uses alternating current, It can be used to check the ability of a diode to rectify current without having to remove the stator winding.

Measurement and testing of diodes

Universal ohm-meter 9999724:

Range 0.1-10 k ohm.

Measures voltage, amperage and resistance

Multimeter 999 6525:

Test Lamp:

A test lamp connected in series to a 12 V battery can be used to test for open and short circuits, arcing. It can also be used to test diodes; the lamp should light in the transit direction only.

Counterhold 998 6683:

Used to prevent pulley from turning when removing centre nut.

Bosch armature tester 998 6684

Is a tester for open and short circuits.