Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Repairing Integrated Antenna In Rear Side Window, 5-Door

U2 Repairing Integrated antenna in rear side window, 5-door

Repair kit P/N 1161441-9

NOTE: A repair is not suitable if the break is more than 2 mm (0.1 in). If this is the case, the window should be replaced. The procedure can also be used to repair the heating element on care with laminated rear windows.

- Determine exact position of break, either by visual inspection or with an ohmmeter.
The ohmmeter should read infinity if there is open circuit.

- Carefully scrape each side of the break with the point of a knife.
- Clean area of repair with window cleaner.

- Position siltted mask over loop conductor. If conductor is thinner than slit, cut mask and adjust width of slit to suit

- Apply repair compound to loop conductor 3 times at 5-minute intervals.
- Coat approx. 5 mm (0.2 in) of conductor on either side of break.

NOTE: Shake compound container thoroughly prior to use.
Use thinners for cleaning.
Ensure good ventilation.

- Allow to dry for approx. 30 minutes. Remove mask.

NOTE: When repairing rear window element, allow to dry for 24 hours before using defroster.