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Solenoid Valves

Fig. 8 Solenoid Valve Replacement:

1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Drain transmission fluid and disconnect oxygen sensor lead from fluid pan.
3. Remove fluid pan and dipstick tube.
4. Release cable holder from valve body. Disconnect solenoid valve connectors.
5. Disconnect external solenoid connector from transmission.
6. Remove solenoid valves S1 and S2, Fig. 8, as follows:
a. Remove solenoid valve holder.
b. Pull out solenoid valves S1 and S2 and remove from valve body.
7. Remove solenoid valves SL and STH, Fig. 8, as follows:
a. Remove fluid filter.
b. Remove solenoid holder.
c. Pull out solenoid valves SL and STH and remove from valve body.
8. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Apply a small amount of grease to new solenoid valve O-rings.
b. Torque solenoid valves and fluid filter retaining bolts to 7 ft. lbs.
c. Apply liquid sealant to fluid pan contact surfaces. Torque pan attaching bolts to 5 ft. lbs.
d. Connect Volvo Diagnostic Key to diagnostic output and delete any stored trouble codes. The code 1-1-1 should be displayed when all trouble codes have been deleted.