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Test Mode 4: Entry of Commands

Test mode 4: Entry of commands

The same control system components can be tested in test mode 4 as in test mode 3, the difference being that the components are tested one by one when a specific code is entered. Each component is operated 6 times in succession. The gear selector lever must be in position P or N and the car must be at rest before test mode 4 will function. In other words, test mode 4 cannot be used while driving.

The rate of signal transmission between the TCM and DLC can also be altered by a factor of two or ten times the basic rate. The 2x rate can be used when reading the LED codes when the operator has become familiar with the OBD system, while the 1Ox rate is adopted automatically when using the Volvo ST.

Since the test button must be pressed many times within a short time when entering the codes manually, it is recommended that testing in test mode 4 be performed manually only in exceptional cases.

Test procedure:

- The gear selector lever must be in position P or N.
- The vehicle speed must be 0. In other words, the test cannot be carried out while driving.
- Start and allow the engine to idle (applies to codes 4-1-4, 4-2-2 and 4-2-3)

Testing with Volvo ST

- Search for text MODE4: IND. ACT. Press * using arrow keys.
- Press * and use arrow keys to select component to be tested.
- Press * again to activate selected component.

Testing with DLC

- Press test button four times (test mode 4).
- Lamp will respond by flashing for duration of 3 seconds.
- Enter selected code. Enter one digit each time lamp flashes.
- Lamp will flash rapidly when selected function (component) has been activated.

The OBD system will exit test mode 4 automatically on completion of the test. Thus, the procedure must be restarted from the beginning if the test is to be repeated.

Change in idling speed will be heard in tests 4-1-4, 4-2-2 and 4-2-3.