Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Programing Key Code

Programing Key Code Manually
All remote controls to be used with the alarm system must be programed at the same time (up to 4 remote controls). Programing key codes can also be done using the programing box as given below.

The programing procedure is as follows:
Shut all doors, hood (bonnet) and trunk (boot).

Switch ignition on and off at least 5 times in 10 seconds.
Indicator LED should start to flash. Leave ignition on.
Once the indicator LED starts flashing, the first remote control must be programed within 15 seconds.

Press one of the buttons on one of the remote controls.
The programing is acknowledged by the indicator LED lighting up and staying on for approx. 2 seconds.
The indicator LED then starts flashing for 10 seconds.
Program the other remote control within 10 seconds, i.e. while the indicator LED is flashing.

Ignition off.
Test remote controls.

Programing Key Code With Programing Box

"Read new Keycode" button
Press button A "Read new KeyCode".
Display reads"READ NEW KEYCODE"

Press one of the buttons on all remote controls to be programed.
Lower line of display will read "NEW CODE OK" after each remote control has been pressed.

NOTE: All old key codes will be erased when the first remote control is programed.

Wait until the red light by button A "Read new KeyCode" goes out.

Test all remote controls programed.
Repeat programing if any remote control does not work.