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Oil Pump: Testing and Inspection

Special Tools:
- Oil Pressure Gauge tool No. 999 5270, or equivalent

NOTE: Check engine oil level:
- When checking oil level/pressure, engine should be warm, at a temperature corresponding to 15 minutes normal driving (100°C = 212°F).
- Change oil and filter if the oil grade or condition of the filter cannot be ascertained.

1. Check engine oil pressure sensor:
- Raise car.
- Check:
sensor wiring and connector
type and function, test with a new sensor
for breaks in the wiring between sensor and warning lamp

NOTE: Use a new seal between sensor and engine block when replacing or reinstalling sensor.

2. Checking oil pressure:
- Use instrument kit tool No. 999 5270, or equivalent.
- Connect adapter C (B11-B14 of kit), hose tool No 999 5272 and instrument tool No. 999 5271, or equivalents, to oil pressure sensor duct on engine block.
- Start engine and read off oil pressure at various speeds.
- Oil pressure min:
13.3 rps (800 rpm): 0.10 MPa (14 psi)
14.2 rps (850 rpm): 0.10 MPa (14 psi)
66.7 rps (4000 rpm):
min 0.35 MPa (50 psi)
max 0.70 MPa (100 psi)