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Heated Oxygen Sensor Diagnostics


Two Heated Oxygen Sensors (HO2S) are used in the Motronic 4.4. The heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) are checked for open and short-circuits as usual. If either of these faults occurs Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) EFI-212 (front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S)) or EFI-153 (rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S)) are stored. In addition, the signal from the front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) is checked. This check is carried out as follows.

The Engine Control Module (ECM) receives exhaust content data from the front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Using this information the engine control module (ECM) calculates injection period. Because the front sensor is located upstream of the Three-Way Catalytic Converter (TWC) it is subject to attack by the uncleaned exhaust gases. This leads to the sensor ageing and its signal changing

These changes are monitored by checking:

^ Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) mean signal voltage rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) control front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) period.

^ To determine front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) mean voltage the engine control module (ECM) uses the rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) signal. This signal provides information about the exhaust gas oxygen content downstream of the catalytic converter. The engine control module (ECM) can use this information to take account of front sensor ageing in its injection period computations.

The mean rear sensor signal voltage should be approx. 0.6 V when twin heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) control is active. First the injection period is calculated on the basis of the front sensor signal. Then the mean rear sensor signal is calculated. If it is not 0.6 V the injection period calculations are adjusted so that the correct mean rear sensor signal will be achieved. When this adjustment exceeds a certain limit for a number of diagnostic checks, diagnostic trouble code (DTC) EFI-436 rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) compensation is stored.

When the engine is running the adjustment carried out by the rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) should be positive and negative, if not diagnostic trouble code (DTC) EFI-425 rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) control, will be stored.

Twin heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) control starts and remains active when:

^ The front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) has started control
^ The rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) has reached operating temperature
^ Catalytic converter temperature exceeds +300°C (calculated by the engine control module (ECM))
^ Engine speed is between 1,200-3,400 rpm
^ Engine load is 1.3-5.0 ms (at 1,000 rpm), 1.3-4.0 ms (at 2000 rpm), 1.3-3.0 ms (at 3000 rpm).

Twin heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) control is suspended during fuel shut-off, if the engine control module (ECM) detects misfiring (diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) EFI-45X, 543, 545, 55X) or if the engine control module (ECM) detects a fault in:

^ EVAP system (diagnostic trouble code (DTC) EFI-315)
^ Three-way catalytic converter (TWC) (diagnostic trouble code (DTC) EFI-443)
^ Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) heating (diagnostic trouble code (DTC) EFI-521, or EFI-522)
^ Mass air flow (MAF) sensor (diagnostic trouble code (DTC) EFI-121).

A defective sensor may also have the correct mean signal voltage. For this reason the front sensor period is also monitored. The engine control module (ECM) monitors how long it takes for the front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) to switch from rich to lean to rich again. This is carried out at partial load when the difference between a good and bad sensor isgreatest. When the period becomes too long for a number of diagnostic checks, diagnostic trouble code (DTC) EFI-435 front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) slow response, is posted.