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Monitor Test

CE. Monitor Test


The values of the parameters read by ST from the ECM are displayed in the monitor test. The values may be shown in three different ways, the choice depending on the fault-tracing procedure and the judgement of the technician.
A wide range of predefined lists is available. These may be modified, as required, to suit the individual method of working.
The engine must be running to obtain relevant values, only certain values are updated if the ignition is switched on.
Parameters which can be shown in Monitor test according to MC. Scrolling values, Volvo Scan Tool.

Function menu

Use up and down arrow keys to move cursor.
Choose MONITOR TEST by pressing ENTER.


Use up and down arrow keys to move cursor.
Press ENTER to select sub-function.

The following functions are available in the Monitor Test mode:

Scrolling values, see CE1.
Predefined lists, see CE2.
Define own list, see CE3.
Reset order, see CE4.