Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


The transmitter consists of a radio transmitter which sends a coded signal to the receiver module.

The transmitter should not be used more than five meters away from the car to ensure that the receiver module receives the transmitter signal. The transmitter has two buttons, LOCK and UNLOCK.

The transmitter prompts the receiver to send a control signal to the central locking relay to lock the car (and activate the basic alarm) when the LOCK button is pressed.

The UNLOCK key prompts the receiver to send a control signal to the central locking relay to unlock the driver's door via the driver's door relay and deactivate the basic alarm.

Pressing the UNLOCK key again within 10 seconds unlocks all the doors and the trunk/tailgate.

If none of the doors or the trunk/tailgate is opened within 30 seconds of pressing UNLOCK for the first time, the doors and trunk/tailgate will be locked and the basic alarm activated.

The transmitter runs on a 3 Volt lithium battery type CR2025, with an estimated service life of 2 years.

NOTE: In some markets, the Guard Alarm II remote control anti-theft alarm is available which also remote-controls the central locking system using a different type of transmitter.