Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Seat Cushion Drive Gear

WARNING: Seats with SIPS bag must always have the transport safety device installed in order to avoid accidentally activating the system when working on the seat.

Caution: While carrying out the following operations take care not to alter the position of the seat guide rails relative to one another. If the rails are moved then it will not be possible to reinstall the seat in the vehicle.


- Make a note of radio code if anti-theft coded radio is installed.
- Remove battery negative lead.
- Cars with SIPS airbag: install the safety device for the SIPS bag in accordance with HHB1.
- Remove seat from car.

Removal of drive gear

- Place seat on its left side on a clean surface.
- Remove the two screws and circlip securing the drive gear. Lift drive gear clear.

Disassembling the drive gear

- Turn drive gear over.
- Remove three Phillips head screws.
- Separate drive gear.
- Remove drive cable and socket for emergency operation of seat.


Reinstalling drive cable

- Undo Phillips head screws on new drive gear.
- Reinstall drive cable and socket for emergency operation of seat.
- Tighten Phillips head screws.

- Check position of the seat rails in relation to each other.

Installing the drive gear

- Reinstall drive gear. Tighten in place using the two screws.

CAUTION: Reinstall circlip.

Finishing off
- Reinstall seat in car.
- Cars with SIPS airbag: remove the safety device.
- Replace battery negative lead.