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Brake Warning Light Does Not Come On

NOTE: When the ignition is switched on, the brake warning light should come on along with the other warning lights on the dashboard, to show that it is intact. Once the engine starts, the light should go out after about 2 seconds.

1. Sources of fault: Lamp broken. Brake fluid level monitor faulty. Open-circuit in lead.
2. Checking warning light. Check that warning light is intact by trying another lamp. Replace lamp as necessary.

3. Checking level monitor. Turn Ignition off. Undo connector from brake fluid level monitor. Bridge connector pins. Turn Ignition on.
4. If light comes on, level monitor is faulty. Replace brake fluid reservoir and level monitor.

5. If light is off: Turn Ignition off. Remove bridge from connector. Connect an ohmmeter between ground point and level monitor terminal 1 (black lead). Ohmmeter reading should be approx. 0 ohms.

6. If reading is correct: Lead between pin 1 and ground point is OK. Connect the ohmmeter between level monitor pin 2 (gray/white lead) and dashboard connector B pin 2 (B:2). Ohmmeter reading should be approx. 0 ohms.
7. If reading is incorrect: If ohmmeter reads infinite resistance, there is an open-circuit in the lead.