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Clearing Trouble Codes

Requesting DTCs

When the ignition is switched on, the red LED lights after approx. 3 seconds and displays a fixed beam. The LED is extinguished when the diagnostic test button is pressed and relights when the button is released. The button is an instantaneous type; in other words, it does not remain down when pressed. After displaying each DTC, the LED again displays a fixed beam.

Requesting DTCs
- Press diagnostic test button (A). LED (B) will be extinguished.
- Release button. LED will relight.
- Press button (A) and release within 5 seconds. LED will first go out, then commence to display first DTC.
- Read first DTC (sequence of flashes) on LED.
- Press button again and read second DTC.
- Continue until all (max. 3) DTCs have been displayed.

Erasing DTCs
All DTCs are erased when the ignition is switched off.

NOTE: If a System fault is suspected, a DTC request must be made before the engine is stopped, otherwise intermittent fault DTCs may be erased.