Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Fault-Tracing Overview

- Get out the "AW30-40/AW30-43 Diagnosis and Checklist".
- Use the "AW30-40/AW30-43 Diagnostics and Check List" to fill in information about the car and the fault. Make note of any information supplied by the customer.
- Read off and note down diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs).
- If communication with the Volvo Scan Tool (ST) cannot be established, check communication with The transmission control module (TCM).
- Are there diagnostic trouble codes stored?

^ Proceed to: Remedy Fault section below.

^ Proceed to: Remedy Mechanical Faults section below.

Remedy Fault
- Carry out fault-tracing. Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions
- Erase diagnostic trouble codes.
- Test drive car.
- If a diagnostic trouble code has been stored, Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions
- Do the fault symptoms persist?

^ Proceed to: Remedy Mechanical Faults section below.

^ Proceed to: Conclusion section below.

Remedy Mechanical Faults
- Test drive car.
- Note signs of any faults.
- Does the fault symptom persist?

^ Proceed to: Connecting the Test Box section below.

^ Proceed to: Conclusion section below.

Connecting the Test Box
- Ignition OFF.
- Connect the test box and check ground terminals.
- Proceed to: Checking Terminals section below.

Checking Terminals
- Take readings on all terminals.
- Proceed to: Conclusion section below.

- Check that no diagnostic trouble codes have been stored for the automatic transmission, fuel injection system, injection system or combined instrument panel.
- Always erase any diagnostic trouble codes when fault-tracing or repair work is completed.
- Are all diagnostic trouble codes erased?

^ Fault corrected.

^ Proceed to: Checking Terminals section above.