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Ring and Pinion or Bearing Replacement


Special tools: 999-2284, 2393, 2404, 2483, 284Z 2844, 2845, 4112, 5069, 5091,5149, 5156, 5214, 5216, 5242, 5304, 5370, 5371, 5504, 5538, 5971, 9177

1. Remove weight from housing.

Tool No. 999 5370, Fixture For Final Drive:

2. Mount final drive in fixture 5370. Use weight retaining bolts.

3. Remove:
- brackets for rear bushings in final drive housing
- drive (axle) shafts (use levers
- cover
4. Clean cover and housing. Use cleaning agent P/N 1161 340-3
5. Remove screws securing lock washers on differential bearing adjusting nuts.

6. Remove:
- adjusting nuts (use tool 5371)
- [1][2]differential housing

7. Remove drive flange retaining nut Use counterhold 5149 for normal propeller shaft and 5426 for shaft with CV joint. Slacken one fixture bolt.
Mark location of drive flange in relation to pinion with light punch marks.

Tool No. 999 5304, Puller For Drive Flange:

8. Remove drive flange Use puller 5304.
9. Tap out pinion Use plastic mallet.

Tool No. 999 5091, Drift For Pinion Seal:

10. Remove seal. Use puller 5069 and drift 5091 as counterhold.

11. Remove pinion bearing races Use brass drift.

Tool No. 999 2844, Pinion Bearing Puller:

12. Remove rear pinion bearing. Withdraw bearing slightly using puller 2844. Place ring 5214 in press. Place half-rings 5216 around bearing.
Press off bearing.

13. Remove differential bearings. Use puller 2483.
14. Remove crown wheel.

NOTE: Bolts must not be reused.

Inspect bearings and gear set.
Toothed wheel must be removed if work carried out is to be on [1][2]differential gear set.

15. Remove toothed wheel Use universal puller and counterhold 4112.

NOTE: Toothed wheel must be replaced if removed.

16. Remove differential pinion shaft.

17. Tap out:
- spring pin (roll pin)
- shaft (use brass drift)

18. Remove [1][2]differential gear set
Rotate differential pinions (gear shaft) through quarter turn. Remove [1][2]differential gear set and washers.
19. Inspect all components
Replace any component showing wear.
20. Install [1][2]differential gear set
Oil all components.
Place spring washers on [1][2]differential gears. Install gears. Place differential pinions facing each other and rotate into position.

21. Install differential pinion shaft
Use puller 5069 as expander to pry apart [1][2]differential gears.
Insert support washers behind differential pinions.
Install shaft and remove tool.
Insert spring pin and lock by punching edge of hole.

22. Use drift 4112, drift 5242 and press on new toothed wheel.

Tool No. 999 2845, Press Tool For Pinion Bearing Outer Races:

23. Install pinion bearing races with press tool 2845.

NOTE: Install shims originally located behind races. Ensure that shims are properly seated.

Oil races prior to assembly.

Tool No. 999 2842, Mounting Sleeve For Rear Pinion Bearing Outer Race:

24. Install rear pinion bearing. Use sleeve 2842.

NOTE: Shims must be located under bearing race in housing when adjusting pinion height.

25. Install pinion without compression sleeve.

26. Press on bearing with wrench 2404 and nut.

NOTE: Wrench 2404 must be modified as illustrated below.

Modify special tool 999 2404-5.
Socket with double internal gear tooth segment must be cut off and rewelded to handle with top edge flush with handle surface.

27. Tighten nut to achieve bearing preload of 1.2-2.8 Nm (0.9-2.1 ft. lbs.) for new bearing
Turn pinion until rollers are centered. Use torque meter 9177. Turn one revolution per second.

Pinion Height Setting
The pinion must be set at a certain distance (A) from the center line of the crown wheel.
This distance should be 57.15 ±0.03 mm (2.25 ± 0.0012 inch) (plus the deviation tolerance marked on the pinion as described below).

EXAMPLE: If the pinion is marked 30, A = 57.15 + 0.30 = 57.45 mm ±0.03 mm.

Since the face is ground by at cast 0.30 mm (0.0118 inch) in all cases, the tolerance deviation will always be smaller. In addition, since the deviation is always specified as a positive value, the plus sign is omitted.

NOTE: The normal degree of grinding (0.30 mm/0.0118 inch) is no longer marked on pinions manufactured from January 1990 on. Only pinions which deviate from this value are marked.

EXAMPLE: Where A = 57.15 + 0.40 = 57.55 ±0.03 mm, the pinion is marked "40".

A special tool incorporating a pinion gauge is used to facilitate measurement. The length of the gauge is chosen so that only the difference between the gauge and measuring tool placed in the differential bearing seats need be measured.
In the case of a pinion marked "30" or not provided with a marking, the face of the gauge must be 0.30 ±0.03 mm (0.0118 ±0.0012 inch) below the measuring surface of the tool.
The pinion setting is adjusted by installing a shim (B) between the pinion end and rear bearing.

In the case of this rear axle, the pinion setting is adjusted by inserting shims (C) between the bearing inner race and housing.
Inspection and adjustment of pinion setting

28. Install adjusting nuts in housing.
Install adjusting nuts with original O-rings. Lubricate nuts and mating surfaces in housing. Use lubricant 1161 007-8. Tighten nuts edge to edge. Use wrench 5371.
Set up measuring tool 2393.

Tool No. 999 2284, Holder For Dial Gauge, Pinion Adjustment:

29. Measurement
Mount dial gauge holder 2284 and dial gauge on rear axle housing. Measure vertical distance between plug gauge and smaller diameter of measuring tool. Gauge face should be below measuring surface of smaller diameter by distance marked on pinion ±0.03 mm (0.0012 inch).
Note deviation from marking. Remove tool and pinion.

NOTE: Do not remove adjusting nuts yet.

If pinion is within tolerance range, proceed to operation step 33.
30. Adjustment of pinion setting.

31. Use brass drift and tap out bearing race
Measure shim thickness. If deviation is positive, add until tolerance range is reached. If deviation is negative, subtract until tolerance range is reached. Adjust setting until tolerance is as close as possible to ideal value.

Tool No. 999 2845, Press Tool For Pinion Bearing Outer Races:

32. Use press tool 2845 and install bearing race and shim.
33. Install pinion and compression sleeve.

34. Press on front bearing Use wrench 2404.

35. Install seal
Grease seal lip (see arrow) with Volvo bearing grease, P/N 1161241-3.
Install oil thrower (if removed).

Place seal on tool 5538 (against side marked 1031).
1 = Seal.

Press on seal using tool 5156 (M20 thread) or 5504 (M24 thread).

36. Install drive flange. Note the marking.
Use press tool 5156 and counterhold 5149 (or 5426 for CV joint).
Remove press tool. Install new nut. Use counterhold 5149 (or 5426 for CV joint).
Tighten nut in stages. Turn pinion until bearing rollers have been centered.

Tool No. 999 9177 Torque Wrench For Measuring Pinion Bearing Preload:

Use torque meter 9177. Tighten nut in stages.
Cease tightening when correct bearing preload has been reached. Value for new, oiled bearing is 1.2-2.8 Nm (0.8-2.07 ft. lbs.). Rotate about one turn per second.
Nut torque should now be between 180-280 Nm (133-207 ft. lbs.). Replace compression sleeve if preload is exceeded.

37. Use dial gauge and check drive flange runout.
Mount dial gauge on magnetic stand. Measure runout at flange guide collar.
If runout exceeds 0.05 mm (0.0020 inch) [or 0.08 mm (0.0031 inch) for CV joint]: Relocate flange on pinion one quarter turn at a time until runout is within limit. If this is not achieved within four such adjustments, drive flange must be replaced.

NOTE: Install new nut each time flange is removed during steps 7 and 8 or steps 36, 37 and 38.

Drive flange with CV joint.

38. Check pinion setting.
Max. permissible deviation ±0.03 mm (0.0012 inch).
Remove differential bearing preload adjusting nuts, measuring tool and pinion gauge.

39. Install crown wheel.
Ensure that mating surfaces are clean and free of grease.
Two opposite holes in [1][2]differential housing are smaller in size; these are intended as guide holes.

NOTE: Always use new, oiled bolts.

Tighten bolts alternately to 35 Nm (26 ft. lbs.) and angle tighten through 60 degrees.

40. Use drift 4112 and press on differential bearings.
Ensure that locking plate is correctly located in housing.

Adjustment Of Backlash/Differential Bearing Preload
Clearance between pinion and crown wheel (backlash) should be within certain limits to ensure quiet running and long life. Adjustment is carried out by moving [1][2]differential housing sideways.
Differential bearing preload is adjusted by means of nuts.

41. Install:
- [1][2]differential housing in final drive
- adjusting nuts with new O-rings and seals
Lubricate seal, packing space between lips with grease. Oil nut. Use lubricant P/N 1161 007-8. Install nuts together with differential bearing races.
42. Install:
- washer 5791 for one adjusting nut
- magnetic stand and dial gauge. Position gauge plunger at opposite side of housing.

43. Tighten adjusting nuts on both sides
Use wrench 5371. Tighten nuts until small backlash is felt at crown wheel and dial gauge just begins to indicate.
44. Rotate [1][2]differential housing a few turns until bearing rollers are centered.
Adjusting nuts are now tightened as far as possible without imposing bearing preload.
[1][2]Differential should always be rotated a few turns after adjusting nuts.

45. Adjust and check backlash.
Mount dial gauge in position. Position gauge plunger on crown wheel tooth approx. 3 mm (0.12 inch) from outer end of tooth. Hold pinion and move crown wheel towards and away from plunger. Flank clearance may vary between 0.10-0.16 mm (0.0039-0.0063 inch), but should be as close as possible to 0.13 mm (0.0051 inch). Maximum permissible variation between three different measurements is ±0.03 mm (0.0012 inch).

46. Adjust by moving nut in or out. Use tool 5371.
If nut is adjusted outwards, other nut should be adjusted inwards by the same amount. Adjust until correct backlash has been achieved.
47. Preload final drive housing one notch on each side.

Tool No. 999 5371, Wrench For Differential Bearing Preload Nuts:

48. Rotate [1][2]differential housing five turns.
Recheck backlash and adjust as required. Adjustment may be carried out with bearings preloaded.
49. Install rear cover.
Coat faces with liquid sealing compound, P/N 1161 059-9.
Tighten cover to 20-30 Nm (15-22 ft. lbs.).
50. Tighten adjusting nuts a further notch on each side.
Preloading procedure is now complete.

Tool No. 999 5370, Fixture For Final Drive:

51. Lock adjusting nuts with lock washers. Tighten nuts to 40-56 Nm (30-41 ft. lbs.).
52. Install side brackets Tighten nuts to 40-56 Nm (30-41 ft. lbs.).
53. Install drive (axle) shafts
54. Install weight Tighten to 20-28 Nm (15-21 ft. lbs.).

NOTE: Remember to fill [1][2]differential with oil.

55. Remove final drive from fixture