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Door Panel - Removing Wood Trim




Oct. 1996

Removal of wood trim from door panel

960 1995-

REFERENCE: TP 8201201, SECTION 8 (82-86, 88) INTERIOR, EXTERIOR; 850 1993-

Removal of wood trim from door panel

This Service Bulletin describes the methods and materials required to replace wood trim on the door panels. These methods are necessary when a door panel is to be replaced but you want to re-use the existing wood trim.

There are three types of wood trim fastener. These are called 1, 2 and 3.

Removing wood panel, type 1

See table to determine panel type.

Place the panel on a clean flat surface.


- polystyrene block carefully (if mounted on the back of the door panel).

- Save the block!

- 5 nuts and washers from the back of the wood panel.

- wood panel.

Removing wood panel, type 2

See table on Page 1 to determine panel type.

Place the door panel on a clean flat surface.


- Remove polystyrene block carefully (if mounted on the back of the door panel).

Save the block!

- Support securing stud with a finger.

- Pry up each locking washer a little at one corner. Use a screwdriver (illustration A) for locking washers with plain washers.

Use a chisel (illustration B) for the other fasteners without plain washer.

- Cut off locking washer. Use cutting pliers.

- Remove 5 washers using cutting pliers.

- Remove wood panel.

Removing wood panel, type 3

See table to determine panel type.

Place the door panel on a clean flat surface.


- Remove polystyrene block carefully (if mounted on the back of the door panel).

Save the block

- Pry up one of the locking washer flanges. Use a small screwdriver.

- Cut off locking sideways using cutting pliers.

- Remove 5 washers using cutting pliers.

- Remove wood panel.

Installing wood panel, type 3

Only version 3 wood trim is available as a replacement part.

Place the door panel on a clean flat surface.


- Install wood trim in panel.

- Place a locking washer on a magnetic shaft.

- Press washer (x 5) into place on the wood trim lug. Use magnetic shaft.

- Apply double sided adhesive tape (P/N 1161347-8) on the polystyrene block (if applicable). A hot glue gun can be used as an alternative.

- Install polystyrene block.

WARRANTY STATEMENT: Claims may be submitted under the New Car Limited Warranty when a manufacturing defect is present using claim type: 01

Operation no. Labor description Time allowance

85120-2 Remove-install side door panel. 0.2 hr
85121-3 Remove-install/replacing 0.1 hr
wood door panel trim x 1.