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Description of Reading Off Alarm Causes

Description of reading off alarm causes

The data is read out as follows:

Actual time
Indicates how long the internal clock in the central electronic module (CEM) has counted, displayed in days. The actual time gives a reference value which can be used to calculate the number of days since the last alarm. Subtract the value in Time from the value of Actual time to calculate the number of days since the last alarm.

Indicates how long the internal clock in the central electronic module (CEM) had counted until the time the alarm deployed. The highest number is the latest alarm.

Outside temperature
Indicates the temperature when the alarm deployed.

30 supply
Indicates the power supply when the alarm deployed.

Alarm cause
Indicates the component in the car that caused the alarm.
- Front door right
- Front door left
- Rear door right
- Rear door left
- Hood
- Tailgate/Glass breakage loop
- Ignition switch
- Tilt sensor
- Siren
- Glass breakage loop
- MMS 1, standard mass movement sensor module (MMS) for the S60, S80, V70 and XC70. Rear mass movement sensor module (MMS) for the XC90
- MMS 2, front mass movement sensor module (MMS) for the XC90.