Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Cable Shoe

Cable shoe

Note! The illustrations in this service information are used for different model years and/or models. Some variation may occur. However, the essential information in the illustrations is always correct.


Note! In 2003 the cable terminal with a pre-crimped cable section was introduced to the Volvo range. See the illustration. This method applies for repairs with this type of cable terminal.

Caution! Ensure that the new pin has the same type of surface treatment as the old.

Caution! For repairing SRS wiring, see: Cable harness SRS system, repair Procedures.

Preparatory work

Disconnect the battery negative cable. See: Battery, disconnecting Battery Disconnecting.


Caution! Disconnect and work with only one cable at a time to minimize the risk of mixing them up.

Disconnect the cable terminal that is to be replaced. See: Connectors, repair Connectors, Repair.

Hint: If several cable terminals are to be replaced at the same time, spread out the splice points, as illustrated.

Cut the cable at a suitable point. Note the length of the new cable terminal cable.


Select a cable terminal with the same area as the old one.
Select a butt connector that corresponds to the cable area. The butt connector is the same color as the cable terminal cable.
Cut the new cable terminal cable to a suitable length.
Splice the cables. See: Joining the cables Joining the Cables.

Finishing work
Reinstall the cable harness. If necessary use a crimping sleeve and tie straps.
Connect the battery negative lead. See: Battery, disconnecting Battery Disconnecting.
Test the function.