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Sealing Micro-Enclosed Screws

Sealing micro-enclosed screws

Note! Micro-enclosed screws are used where the seal requirements are high. Loose screws are replaced or sealed with new sealing compound. Sealant "HYDRAULIC THREADSEAL" has P/N 11 61 056-5 and sealing must be carried out according to the instructions on the packet. The screws to be sealed with "HYDRAULIC THREAD SEAL" and their positions are shown below.

Note! As the illustrations in this service information are used for different model years and / or models, some variation may occur. However, the essential information in the illustrations is always correct.


"Hydraulic thread sealant"
- P/N 11 61 056-5
- Use a brush and/or the packet spout to apply the sealant to the screw.
- Avoid skin contact with the sealant.

Engine intake side

Engine exhaust side

Rear of engine

Engine front