Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Example 2A

Example 2A

Socket housings p/n 6849321-2

Replacement of cable terminal in socket housing

Note! For equivalent pin housing, see Example 2B Example 2B.

Separate the connector pin and socket housings

If the connector is intact then first remove the socket housing (female) from the pin housing (male). See illustration.
- Undo the locking screw. (Some connectors have no locking screw).
- Turn the connector housing retaining ring (outer ring) counterclockwise.
- Separate the two halves of the connector.

Extract socket housing

Extract socket housing from the connector housing as follows:
- Remove retaining ring from the connector by inserting a small screwdriver from the rear of the ring and pry open the 3 catches.
- Pull back rubber seal on the cables.

Open socket housing

- Open the socket housing secondary locking by turning the two rings shown in the illustration. A "click" indicates that the secondary locking has disengaged.

Extract the cable terminal

No terminal removal tool is required.
- Extract the cable terminal from the rear of the housing by tugging on the cable.

Crimp new cable terminal

The cable terminal is 1.6 Pin socket.
- Use strip length 3 to 4 mm and strip the cable as described in Cutting and checking a cable Stripping the cable .
- Use crimp tool (green) p/n 981 4226 Crimping tool 981 4226 Crimping Tool and crimp the cable terminal as described in Crimping a cable terminal .

Insert new cable terminal in housing

Note! Note! The housings secondary locking must be open, see Open socket housing.

- Insert the new cable terminal in the correct socket housing cavity from the cable side. A "click" indicates that the catch has engaged.

Close socket housing

Secondary locking
- Activate secondary locking by turning both the ring sections as shown in the illustration. A "click" indicates that the secondary locking has engaged.

- Carefully pull on the cables to check the terminal is firmly attached.

Reassemble the connector

- Push the rubber seal on to the socket housing.
- Replace the retaining ring on the socket housing.