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Draining the Fuel System

Draining the fuel system

Special tools:
981 2270 PUMP TROLLEY 981 2270 Pump Trolley
981 2273 PUMP 981 2273 Pump
981 2282 Tank 981 2282 Tank
999 5480 Adapter 999 5480 Adapter
999 5484 Adapter 999 5484 Adapter

See Safety regulations for handling fuel Safety Regulations for Handling Fuel.


Remove the cover on the valve which is positioned on the fuel rail.
Connect adapter 999 5484 Adapter 999 5484 Adapter to fuel draining unit 981 2270 PUMP TROLLEY 981 2270 Pump Trolley , 981 2273 PUMP 981 2273 Pump and 981 2282 Tank 981 2282 Tank.
Connect the adapter to the valve on the fuel rail in the locked position (figure 1, valve closed).
Start the fuel drainage unit.
Unlock the adapter (illustration 2 valve open).
Raise the car.

Draining the fuel system

Remove the cover on the valve cap positioned at the fuel filter.
Connect venting hose 999 5480 Adapter 999 5480 Adapter to the valve prior to the fuel filter.
It takes approximately 2 minutes to evacuate the system.

Reinstall the components in reverse order.

Caution! Do not forget to reinstall the valve caps.