Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Lifter / Lash Adjuster: Testing and Inspection

Hydraulic Adjusting Elements, Checking

The hydraulic adjusting elements cannot be repaired.

Irregular valve noises are normal while starting the engine.

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Socket (T40058)

Feeler gauge


- Start the engine and let it run until the coolant fan switches on once.

- Increase engine speed for about 2 minutes to approximately 2500 RPM, perform a road test if necessary.

- If the hydraulic adjusting elements are still loud, determine which one is faulty as follows:

- Remove the cylinder head cover. Refer to => [ Left Cylinder Head Cover ] Left Cylinder Head Cover, => [ Right Cylinder Head Cover ] Right Cylinder Head Cover.

- Remove the front noise insulation by loosening the mounting parts - 1 -.

- Insert the (T40058) guide pins as follows:

The large diameter - arrow 1 - faces the engine.

Small diameter - arrow 2 - points to adapter.

- Turn the crankshaft with the (T40058) in direction of engine rotation - arrow - until the cam lobes on the hydraulic adjusting element to be checked faces up.

- To determine the play between cam lobes and roller rocker lever, press lever down - arrow -.

- If a 0.20 mm feeler gauge can slide between the cam lobes and roller rocker lever, replace the hydraulic adjusting element. Refer to => [ Camshafts ] Service and Repair.

Final procedures

- Install the cylinder head cover. Refer to => [ Left Cylinder Head Cover ] Left Cylinder Head Cover, => [ Right Cylinder Head Cover ] Right Cylinder Head Cover.

- Install the noise insulation.