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Headrests with Locking Mechanism

Headrests with Locking Mechanism

The headrests can be removed with the front seats installed.

The release button is located on the outer left of the driver's seat and inner left of the passenger's seat (in direction of travel).


The illustration shows a Coupe backrest. The headrest is released the same way on the Coupe and Roadster.

- Find release button pressure point - 3 -.

The release button is approximately a = 95 mm under upper edge of backrest.

- Press the release button in the direction of - arrow - toward the center of the seat.

- Hold release button - 3 - down in this position.

- Pull headrest - 1 - up out of guides - 2 - and - 4 -.


Install in reverse order of removal. Note the following:

Make sure the headrest is engaged correctly in headrest guides.