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Twelve-Point Bolt Without Ribs Between Drive Axle and Wheel Hub, Loosening and Tightening

Twelve-Point Bolt without Ribs Between Drive Axle and Wheel Hub, Loosening and Tightening

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Socket 24 mm (T10361)

Digital Torque Wrench (V.A.G 1756)

Characteristics between a twelve-point bolt with ribs and a twelve-point bolt without ribs.

The contact surface - arrow A - and - arrow B - are different on the two-point bolts.

I - twelve-point bolt with ribs - arrow A -

II - twelve-point bolt without ribs - arrow B -

Vehicles without a drive axle must not be moved, otherwise the wheel bearing will be damaged. If vehicle does have to be moved, always note the following points:

- Install an outer joint in place of the drive axle.

- Tighten outer joint to 120 Nm.

Loosening the 12-Point Bolt

- With the vehicle resting on its wheels, loosen the twelve-point bolt - arrow - maximum 90° otherwise the wheel bearing will get damaged.

- Lift the vehicle just enough so that the wheels are hanging free.

- Apply the brakes (a second technician required).

- Remove 12-point bolt - arrow -.

Before installing, clean the threads in the CV joint with a tap.

12-Point Bolt, Fastening

- Replace 12-point bolt.

Wheels must not yet touch the ground to tighten the drive axle, wheel bearing may otherwise be damaged.

- Apply the brakes (a second technician required). Tighten 12-point bolt to 200 Nm.

- Lower the vehicle onto its wheels.

- Tighten 12-point bolt an additional 180°.