Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Possible Leak Points

Possible Points of Fluid Leaks

Transmission Oil Pan
^ Incorrectly tightened oil pan bolts
^ Improperly installed or damaged oil pan gasket
^ Damaged oil pan or mounting face
^ Incorrect oil pan gasket

Case Leak
^ Damaged or missing fill tube seal
^ Mislocated fill tube bracket
^ Damaged vehicle speed sensor seal
^ Damaged manual shaft seal
^ Loose or damaged oil cooler connector fittings
^ Worn or damaged propeller shaft oil seal
^ Loose line pressure pipe plug
^ Porous casting warped torque converter housing

Leak at the Torque Converter End
^ Converter leak in the weld area
^ Converter seal lip cut. Check the converter hub for damage
^ Converter seal bushing moved forward and damaged
^ Converter seal garter spring missing from the seal
^ Porous casting of the transmission case or the oil pump

Leak at the Vent Pipe or the Fluid Fill Tube
^ Overfilled system
^ Water or coolant in the fluid. The fluid will appear milky
^ Transmission case porous
^ Incorrect fluid level indicator
^ Plugged vent
^ Drain-back holes plugged
^ Mispositioned oil pump to case gasket, if equipped

Leak Inspection Points:

Leak Inspection Points

1 - Actuator Guide Seal
2 - Case
3 - Cooler Pipe Seals
4 - Line Pressure Tap Plug
5 - Axle Oil Seal (Case) and Stub Shaft Sleeve
6 - Manual Shaft Seal
7 - Pass-Thru Connector Seal
8 - Converter Seal
9 - Torque Converter Assembly
10 - Oil Level Control Plug
11 - Output Speed Sensor O-Ring Seal
12 - Fill and Vent Cap Seal
13 - Axle Oil Seal (Side Cover) and Output Shaft Sleeve
14 - Side Cover Gaskets
15 - Bottom Pan Gasket