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Transmission Shifts Hard into Reverse

Transmission Shifts Hard into Reverse

Diagnostic Aids

Hard shifting in reverse can be diagnosed easily. You should perform a static shift and dynamic shift test also. Many simple factors could occur such as, excessive clutch pedal free travel, insufficient fluid, excessive fluid, or the wrong transmission lubricant. A misaligned transmission can also cause hard shifting, as well as a worn or defective clutch, binding of the shift control. Many internal components can also play a factor in hard shifting such as, the front bearing retainer loose or cracked, the synchronizer worn, damaged, or improperly assembled. A failure to fully depress the clutch pedal when shifting causes hard shifting in reverse.

Test Description

The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the diagnostic table.


This step inspects for air in the hydraulic lines, which also causes the transmission to shift hard in reverse.


This step inspects for a faulty shift control.


This step inspects for a faulty or worn clutch pressure plate or clutch driven plate.