TC-1A CODE TO TC TEST CHART (Checking For Trouble Codes)
NOTE: The battery must be fully charged and at rated capacity before performing any test procedure.1. Attempt to start the engine. Crank for up to 10 seconds if necessary.
2. Connect a scan tool to the Data Link Connector (DTC). Write down any trouble code messages that are displayed.
3. If the scan tool screen displays "No Response", go to TEST NS-6A.
4. If the Scan tool screen is blank or has a scan tool error message, go to SCAN TOOL ERROR MESSAGES or SCAN TOOL SCREEN BLANK.
5. If trouble code messages are displayed, refer to TROUBLE CODES AND RELATED TESTS, below, for the appropriate test.
6. If there are no trouble codes displayed, refer to one of the following:
- Driveability Problems NTC-1A NTC-1A No Trouble Code Menu - Start Here
- No Start Problems NS-1A NS-1A Qualifying A No Start Condition
- Speed Control System Problems SC-1A SC-1A Checking Speed Control Operation
- Charging System Problems CH-1A Charging System (CH) Tests
Code -- Message -- Corresponding Test
11 -- No Crank Reference Signal At PCM -- Test TC-2A TC-2A No Crank Reference Signal at PCM
11 -- No Cam Signal At PCM -- Test TC-3A TC-3A No Cam Signal at PCM
12 -- Power to PCM has been interrupted -- Check Battery connections
This code will be set if battery has been disconnected.
13 -- No Change In Map From Start To Run -- Test TC-4A TC-4A No Change In MAP From Start to Run
14 -- MAP Sensor Voltage Too Low -- Test TC-5A TC-5A MAP Sensor Voltage Too Low
14 -- MAP Sensor Voltage Too High -- TestTC-6A TC-6A MAP Sensor Voltage Too High
15 -- No Vehicle Speed Sensor Signal -- Test TC-7A TC-7A No Vehicle Speed Sensor Signal
21 -- O2 Sensor Signal Shorted To Voltage -- Test TC-8A TC-8A O2 Sensor Signal Shorted to Voltage
21 -- O2 Sensor Signal Stays At Center -- Test TC-9A TC-9A O2 Sensor Signal Stays at Center
22 -- ECT Sensor Voltage High -- Test TC-12A TC-12A ECT Sensor Voltage Too High
22 -- ECT Sensor Voltage Low -- Test TC-13A TC-13A ECT Sensor Voltage Too Low
24 -- Throttle Position Sensor Voltage High -- Test TC-14A TC-14A TPS Voltage High
24 -- Throttle Position Sensor Voltage Low -- Test TC-15A TC-15A TPS Voltage Low
25 -- Idle Air Control Motor Circuits -- Test TC-16A TC-16A Idle Air Control Motor Circuits
27 -- Injector # 1 Control Circuit -- Test TC-17A TC-17A Injector Control Circuit
27 -- Injector # 2 Control Circuit -- Test TC-17A TC-17A Injector Control Circuit
27 -- Injector # 3 Control Circuit -- Test TC-17A TC-17A Injector Control Circuit
27 -- Injector # 4 Control Circuit -- Test TC-17A TC-17A Injector Control Circuit
27 -- Injector # 5 Control Circuit -- Test TC-17A TC-17A Injector Control Circuit
27 -- Injector # 6 Control Circuit -- Test TC-17A TC-17A Injector Control Circuit
31 -- EVAP Solenoid Circuit -- Test TC-23A TC-23A EVAP Solenoid Circuit
32 -- EGR System Failure -- Test TC-24A TC-24A EGR Solenoid Circuit
32 -- EGR Solenoid Circuit -- Test TC-25A TC-25A EGR System Failure
33 -- A/C Clutch Relay Circuit -- Test TC-26A TC-26A A/C Clutch Relay Circuit
34 -- Speed Control Solenoid Circuits -- Test TC-40A TC-40A Speed Control Solenoid Circuits
35 -- Rad Fan Control Relay Circuit (AC/AY only) -- Test TC-27A TC-27A RAD Fan Control Relay Circuit (AC/AY Only)
Low Speed Fan Control Relay Circuit -- Test TC-28A TC-28A Low Speed Fan Control Relay Circuit
High Speed Fan Control Relay Circuit -- Test TC-29A TC-29A High Speed Fan Control Relay Circuit
41 -- Generator Field Not Switching Properly -- Test TC-37A TC-37A Generator Field Not Switching Properly
42 -- ASD Relay Control Circuit -- Test TC-30A TC-30A ASD Relay Control Circuit
42 -- No ASD Voltage Sense At PCM -- Test TC-31A TC-31A No ASD Relay Output Voltage at PCM
43 -- Ignition Coil # 1 Primary Circuit -- Test TC-32A TC-32A Ignition Coil Primary Circuit
43 -- Ignition Coil # 2 Primary Circuit -- Test TC-32A TC-32A Ignition Coil Primary Circuit
43 -- Ignition Coil # 3 Primary Circuit -- Test TC-32A TC-32A Ignition Coil Primary Circuit
44 -- Battery Temp Sensor Volts Out Of Limits -- Test TC-36A TC-36A Battery Temp Sensor Volts Outside Limits
46 -- Charging System Voltage Too High -- Test TC-39A TC-39A Charging System Voltage Too High
47 -- Charging System Voltage Too Low -- Test TC-38A TC-38A Charging System Voltage Too Low
51 -- O2 Sensor Signal Below Center (Lean) -- Test TC-11A TC-11A O2 Sensor Signal Below Center (Lean)
52 -- O2 Sensor Signal Above Center (Rich) -- Test TC-10A TC-10A O2 Sensor Signal Above Center (Rich)
55 -- All Stored Codes Have Been Displayed -- No Testing Needed for this code
63 -- PCM Failure SRI Miles Not Stored -- Test TC-35A TC-35A PCM Failure SRI Miles Not Stored or Write Denied
63 -- PCM Failure EEPROM Write Denied -- Test TC-35A TC-35A PCM Failure SRI Miles Not Stored or Write Denied
NOTE: The following Trouble Codes do not have associated diagnostic tests, follow the directions below for repair and verification.
17 -- Engine Is Cold Too Long - The engine does not warm up to 176° F while driving for 20 minutes after start. Repair cooling system, (check thermostat).
Internal Controller Failure - Replace the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) and go to VERIFICATION TEST 2. Verification Test VER-2A - Road Test Verification
PCM Failure SPI Communications - Replace The Powertrain Control Module (PCM) and go to VERIFICATION TEST 2. Verification Test VER-2A - Road Test Verification