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TCM Quick Learn


NOTE: The ignition switch must be cycled to the OFF position after the AS68RC TCM quick learn procedure in order to initialize the TCM.

The quick learn procedure requires the use of the scan tool. Always check for and clear any codes after a quick learn is preformed. For scan tool step by step instructions, reference the ECM/PCM/TCM Programming document, Quick Learn.

This program allows the electronic transmission system to recalibrate itself. This will provide the proper transmission operation. The quick learn procedure should be performed if any of the following procedures are performed:

- Transmission Assembly Replacement.
- Transmission Control Module Replacement.
- Clutch Plate and/or Seal Replacement.
- Valve Body / Oil Pump Replacement.

To perform the Quick Learn Procedure, the following conditions must be met:

- Turn off any electrical loads to insure the engine is at idle speed.
- The transmission fluid temperature must be at or above 104°F (40°C).
- Shift the lever from NEUTRAL to DRIVE and NEUTRAL to REVERSE three to five times to bleed off trapped in the transmission clutches and brakes.
- The shift lever position must stay in PARK until prompted to shift to another gear.
- The parking brake must be applied and chock the rear wheels.
- Both feet on the brake pedal.
- PTO is inactive.