Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Windshield - Installation


WARNING: Allow the urethane at least 24 hours to cure before returning the vehicle to use.

CAUTION: Roll down the left and right front door glass and open the rear glass slider (if available) before installing windshield. This is to avoid pressurizing the passenger compartment if a door is slammed before the urethane is cured. The potential for water leaks can result.

The windshield fence should be cleaned of most of its old urethane bonding material. A small amount of old urethane, approximately 1-2 mm in height, should remain on the fence. Do not grind off or completely remove all old urethane from the fence, the paint finish and bonding strength will be adversely affected.

1. Place replacement windshield (1) into windshield opening and position glass in the center of the opening against the support spacers (3). Mark the outside surface of the glass at the support spacers (3) with a grease pencil or pieces of masking tape and ink pen to use as a reference (2) for installation. Remove replacement windshield from windshield opening.

2. Position the windshield (1) inside up on a suitable work surface with two padded, wood 10 cm by 10 cm by 50 cm (4 in. by 4 in. by 20 in.) blocks (3), placed parallel 75 cm (2.5 ft.) apart.
3. Clean inside of windshield with MOPAR(R) Glass Cleaner and lint-free cloth.
4. Apply clear glass primer 25 mm (1 in.) wide around perimeter of windshield and wipe with a new clean and dry lint- free cloth.
5. Apply black-out primer onto the glass using the windshield molding as a guide. The primer should be 15 mm (5/8 in.) wide on the top and sides of the glass and 25 mm (1 in.) on the bottom of windshield. Allow at least three minutes drying time.

6. Locate NEW support spacers (3) on support brackets and adjust to lowest height.

7. Position seven new foam spacers (4 and 3) on the inside surface of the windshield, flush with the lower and side edges.
8. Position three new foam spacers (1) on the inside surface of the windshield, at a minimum distance of 3 mm (0.12 in.) from the top edge of the windshield.

9. The urethane bead should be shaped in a triangular cross-section, this can be achieved by notching the tip of the applicator.

10. Apply a 13 mm (1/2 in.) high and 10 mm (3/8 in.) wide bead of urethane around the perimeter of windshield (2). At the top, apply the bead 7 mm (1/4 in.) inboard from the glass edge. On the other three sides apply the bead 14 mm (0.55 in.) inboard from the glass edge.

11. With the aid of a helper, position the windshield (2) over the windshield opening. Align the reference marks at the bottom of the windshield to the support spacers (3).
12. Slowly lower windshield glass (2) to the fence opening guiding the lower corners into proper position. Beginning at the bottom and continuing to the top, push glass (2) onto fence along the A-Pillars. Push windshield (2) inward to the fence at the bottom corners.
13. Push windshield (2) upward, setting the windshield to roof gap to 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) to 3 mm (0.12 in.) and ratchet up the adjustable support brackets.
14. Using clean water, lightly mist the support spacers (3).
15. Clean excess urethane from exterior with MOPAR(R) Super Clean or equivalent.

16. Install cowl grille (2). Cowl Panel Cover - Installation

17. Install rear view mirror support bracket (4). Interior Rearview Mirror - Installation
18. Install rear view mirror (3). Interior Rearview Mirror - Installation

19. Install the A-pillar trim (2). A-Pillar Trim Panel - Installation

20. Install the headliner (6). Headliner - Installation

21. Install the A-pillar weatherstrip retainer (1).
22. After urethane has cured, remove tape strips and water test windshield to verify repair.