Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



Special Tools:

WARNING: The fuel system may be under constant fuel pressure even with the engine off. This pressure must be released before servicing the fuel tank.

Two different procedures may be used to drain the fuel tank; through the fuel pump module access hole on the tank, or using a diagnostic scan tool to activate the fuel pump relay.

If the electric fuel pump is not operating, fuel must be drained through the fuel pump module access hole in the tank Fuel Pump Module - Removal.

As an alternative procedure, the electric fuel pump may be activated allowing the tank to be drained at the fuel rail connection. Refer to the diagnostic tool for fuel pump activation procedures. Before disconnecting the fuel line at the fuel rail, release the fuel pressure Service and Repair. Install the appropriate Fuel Line Adapters / Fitting from the Gas and Diesel Fuel Pressure/Decay Tester (8978A). Route the opposite end of this hose to an approved gasoline draining station. Activate the fuel pump and drain the tank until empty.