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Wiper Motor - Windshield

Wiper Motor - Windshield

Removal and Installation

NOTE: A new wiper motor assembly comes with the linkage arm installed.

1. Remove the windshield wiper mounting arm and pivot shaft. For additional information, refer to Wiper Mounting Arm and Pivot Shaft Wiper Mounting Arm and Pivot Shaft.

2. NOTICE: Do not remove the wiper motor linkage arm from the wiper motor assembly. If the arm is removed, the wiper arms may not park in the correct location.

Separate the wiper motor linkage arm from the wiper mounting arm and pivot shaft assembly.

- Use a suitable tool at the location shown to separate the wiper linkage arm from the wiper mounting arm and pivot shaft assembly.

3. Remove the 3 bolts and the wiper motor.
- To install, tighten to 13 Nm (115 lb-in).

4. To install, reverse the removal procedure.